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Monday, March 20, 2017

World Sparrow Day 20 March 2017

"World Sparrow Day"

Remembering World Sparrow Day: A Tale of Transformation

When I returned home from my experiences in Holland in the early 1980s, I was greeted with a strange request from my mother: get rid of a nuisance dozen sparrows who had established themselves at home within our bedroom. I set out on a mission to capture these small-winged intruders, and I managed to catch around 10 of them. I put them in a huge cage that had previously housed lovebirds.
Even decades later, recollections of that day bring a warm grin to my face. But it was the reaction of our family's youngest member, Susann, that made that day really remarkable. She questioned my plans for the sparrows, to which I said, "We're going to have sparrow pie for dinner." I had no idea how powerful that simple phrase would be.
Susann's reaction was nothing short of spectacular. She stared at me in disbelief and fell into tears as if I had just done a horrific crime. She erupted into a rant, accusing me of plotting to destroy the Almighty's defenceless animals. Her nearly frantic reaction had me in stitches, but it didn't end there. When our two house dogs sensed the noise, they went nuts, and the rest of the family barged in, demanding to know what I had done. "You're gonna make a sparrow pie!" they cried.
The scenario that occurred was like something out of a Hollywood film, with emotions ranging from fury to laughing, and even a hint of terror. Susann, on the other hand, stole the show. Her face changed from anguish to happiness and ecstasy when I finally told the truth and released the sparrows in the garden.
We had no idea that this seemingly insignificant episode would herald the start of a shift in our lives and our perspective of the world around us. Today, as we commemorate "World Sparrow Day," I can't help but think about how much the population of house sparrows has dropped over the years.
Because of this decline, I made a vow that day to positively contribute to the preservation of these once-abundant birds. I started putting nesting boxes on the outside walls of our house, giving sparrows a place to nest, rear their young and prosper.
I invite you to join me in honouring "World Sparrow Day" and recognizing the role these small creatures play in our ecosystem. While our understanding and perspective on sparrows have evolved since that fateful day, one thing remains constant – our shared responsibility to protect and conserve these remarkable birds for generations to come.
Let's celebrate our small but powerful neighbours, knowing that even small actions can make a big difference for sparrows and their environment.

To learn more about World Sparrow Day click 

May they multiply and populate the earth like the stars in the sky.

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